Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 8: Arriving at Beach Comber


Beautiful beach all to ourselves:]
We all dug into a wonderful breakfast of fresh cut fruit (banana, mango, passionfruit, etc.) and hot sandwiches on the hotel porch before making our long bus drive over to Beach Comber, the residence that Dave owns and lives at most of the year. We drove through cities, towns and deserts before arriving at the this paradise of a beach home, which included a luxurious pool, relaxing discussion area equipped with a ping pong and pool table, and a beautiful view of the soft, blue sea.

Daniel proves his worth at the ping pong table...
The rest of the day was free time, where we zipped into our rooms, threw on bikinis and raced out to the ocean which greeted us with strong, frothy waves. The current was so strong that we had to get out every 10 minutes to run back along the shore so we could remain in the allowed beach zone. After getting thrashed around in the waves and floating in the lulling saltwater (the area right before the waves broke), we headed back to the pool where everyone relaxed in a chair sipping fresh coconut juice or in the pool, playing chicken.

Our rooms and the pool. Wonderful? I think so.

These were going to be some fabulous next few days.

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