Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 11: What Defines a Good Leader?

  • Passion - energetic/impassioned about topic at hand, transmits that strong feeling over
  • Charisma - persuasion, charm
  • Education - they don't just talk fluff, bullshit. a.k.a. they know what they're talking about
  • Ability to Transmit - effectively communicate thoughts
  • Promises - does what s/he says, doesn't lie or promise things s/he can't keep but campaign isn't build upon promises either
  • Realistic but Optimistic
  • Looks/plans ahead [to future]
  • Learns from Mistakes - doesn't repeat because blindly charging forward
  • Can Admit Mistakes - not too prideful
  • Chooses Right over Wants - does what's good for country/party/campaign/goal not for personal self

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