Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 14: 27 Charcos and Cabarete

The beautiful falls (we slid down there)
We hiked up a neat trail of wobbly bridges and steep mountain inclines that led us to the first of many waterfalls today. It's called 27 Charcos and it's a big, worn rock gorge filled with that same unbelievably blue water as the mountain rivers. We met the 10 day group here, made up of 19 girls, and together (all 50+ of us) we single filed it through the streams, down the falls, and into the rocky caverns. It was a blast, the best part not to be jumping off the falls or slipping down the rock slides but just to be there with smooth, 20 ft high, who-knows-how-old rock walls towering above either side of us, floating in misty blue ice water with a lush rain forest surrounding us. That was the best part.

For lunch we chowed down burritos (again), but a burrito is a burrito and a burrito is good, so I guess there's no room for complaint. Afterwards we hung out at Cabarete, shopping in a ridiculously cheap store that sold the exact same jewelry as the beach hagglers for a fifth (at least) of the price. We drank more juice (I swear, that stuff is so good) and bathed in the warm, afternoon rays until it was time to leave.

Good day, and only 7 left!!

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