Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 4: Orphanage Returns (with Everybody)


Painting the school
Our whole group worked at the orphanage today, engaging in a variety of different tasks. We switched back and forth between continuing the path, sanding then painting a new school house for the orphans, moving rocks to clear way for a sustainable garden, and more machete-ing. At lunch, we dug into a delicous salad decorated with fresh dominican avocados (=YUM) and other filling foods. I spent the rest of the time there painting the upper level of the new school with some girls, and playing with the most adorable boy ever, Niko, who found amusement in kicking an empty gatorade bottle, throwing dirt from pile to pile, and the bubbles I brought again.

 A heavy rainstorm passed over us, changing from sprinkling to downpour in a matter of seconds. We all enjoyed washing our paint encrusted hands in the refreshing rain water, and several people took a shower in it. We made our way back before the next shower hit, and jumped in the pool before a dinner of guess what? Chicken, rice and beans! Dingdingding! (We were making a routine here! Work, pool, dinner, discussion, hang out, bed:).

Niko and I - He wouldn't look at the
camera, so I had to spin around!

Me and Niko, Amaricio, and Alejandro
- some orphans at the orphanage. So sweet!

Niko and his plastic bottle :')

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