Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 10: Bottle School II

Septic holes getting deep!
Experimenting with sanitizer
Today was pretty much a repeat of the previous day, except we didn't go back to the honey mans comb paradise, we visited his house instead, where several of us purchased bottles of honey to take home (or chug on the spot, as Hunter seemed to do).  The hole got a few feet deeper, to the point where Jake could stand in one part, and have just his head stick out. We all made friends with the kids, who loved to have their photos taken - we had a photo shoot. Abby gathered a group of followers who helped her dig and wire in bottles, while some little boys had fun using the remainders of my hand sanitizer, as they'd never seen anything like it.
Told you it looks like a fetus!!
"We can't keep Puppy?"

We found an adorable puppy, which everyone wanted to rescue, and which Louisa (who aspires to be a vet) determined had worms, fleas and skin issues, among several other health issues. Hunter and Patrick discovered the cocoa nut (I think that's what they're called), the fruit(?) from which chocolate is derived. Once the nuts had been cracked open, the inner white-slime covered cocoa beans were revealed. Everyone interesting time sucking the white covering off the beans, which tasted like sour mango (I thought they looked like alien fetus's), but I soon discovered the actual bean tasted a w f u l aka not like chocolate at all. It was a successful and entertaining day all in all, and our last time for a while at the bottle school.

Sunrise on a morning walk - beautiful way to wake up 

Little Alejandro helping us shovel dirt

Bottle School Boy

This boy made his toy himself, and
would run up and down the beaten
road for twenty minutes, so entertained
- he was great

The well they get their drinking
water from :/

Amelia makes friends!

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