Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 2: My Thoughts

6.30.12. (copied directly from journal, hence mistakes)

What Does Sustainibility Mean to Me?
- expectations
- outlook on next 20 days
- opinions (food)

       Well, for starters, I can't even spell correctly what this whole program is about. But I believe sustainability largely contains an element of respect. Respect for the Earth and its resources, and humanity itself.

       Our Earth is billions of years old, and just in the last century the manner in which we've treated our planet has really been reflected in our polluted oceans, smoggy atmosphere and general, luxurious lifestyles. Trash fills our oceans, trapping and killing its creatures. Poisonous gasses fill our atmospheres, polluting the air we breathe - which cannot be slightly beneficial for our future generations. Lavish homes and gardening systems and mass produced, processed food creates more waste than ever before. If we ate locally grown, natural, humane products, we as humans (specifically americans) would not only be embracing these sustainability elements, but live healthier lives.

       Sustainibility also encorporates living in harmony and helping one another our - not just community wise, but everywhere. Although many people aid others when natural disasters occur  (Katrina, Haiti, etc.),  So Many others just watch - uncaring and unaffected - from their home TV set. And many that do help do so for monetary motives (among other reasons), like the tree cutting companies that flooded CT when the October snowstorm hit.

       I'm not really sure what I expected to happen in the next 20 days.
I guess my goals were...
- Become more independent
- Prep (tester) for gap year
- Help with deciding about college major
- I love community service/helping others
- Make friends (improve social skills)
- Work hard for reward

I expect to have a blast while making a somewhat difference and being educated about sustainability. I'm open to anything and everything and am so excited! (and I don't even feel homesick [yet?]).

food: processed crap = shit = why?
    - meat/animal farming industry = inhumane/unhealthy. > do for profit
    - organic/ natural = get used to it > yum

* we need to discuss the issue of cars: battery/electric vs gas guzzling
Main Issue...
People have to take sides between...
humane, organic, natural, healthy   VS   aiding financially challenged Americans (processed, unhealthy,              inhumane, chemical infused)

...will we ever find a balance?

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