Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 16: Last Day @ Bottle School!!

Bee Keepers Place
We enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast of french toast (we all wrote down the recipe although mine weren't half as good) before making our way to the bottle school, where we didn't engage in too much work but more conversed and played with the locals. We did get a good chunk done today though, and looking at the school as a whole, a lot has been completed in the three days we worked there. Several walls have been created and completed, some more cemented, and the septic tank whole was begun and finished. We bought bottles of honey from the bee keepers wife (that's a good book title, eh?) for 50$DR ($1.25 - SO CHEAP!) and made one last visit to the bee keeper himself, with our conjoined decent Spanish skills we learned how he manages the bees, how long it takes for them to make comb (un meso - 1 month), etc.

Post cement fight...
Emma and Savannah managed to start a cement/water/mud/wateragain fight with the locals which Leonard and I got dragged into, but luckily the crazy weather brought us several heavy rain showers to wash off in.

I made a little friend, Soline (soh-line-y) who followed me around passing me bottles to stuff into the wire and who I gave most of my little gifts to. She brought me back to her house, which we walked through to enter the outdoor kitchen, where her brother and father were unshelling the shrimp they'd caught and where I tried to communicate to her mother in very bad very broken Spanish.

Afterwards Juliana and I went back to work with some others, and because we were working two ladies came around with a pot of freshly baked cornbread. Oh.My.God. That stuff was heaven. I said the burritos were good, I said the juice was yummy, and the french toast was fab but this cornbread.was.heaven. We drizzled fresh honey on top and almost died. As we were leaving, after saying goodbye to all of our new found friends and exchanging facebooks, we bought two more pieces for the road.
 This is Ollie - want to hear him...bark? Click play!
Gabby and Soline
Bee Keepers Children
- So sweet and beyond beautiful!
We completed 2+ walls!
(Check it out in the background)
After chilling in the pool and eating dinner, we all talked before being split into four groups for a team building activity. We had to make a game, any game, that all four groups would play but that we would win. So we assessed our strengths (Jake's infinite geography knowledge, Wesley's My Little Pony expertise, and Ben's ability to chug a glass of water kind of fast) and used them to our advantage... well most of them...
Poolio the leopard cat (5% I tell you!)

Our game consisted of the first team member chugging a glass of water, then running to the other 6 team members who would form a pyramid. Once they'd gotten in pyramid formation, the last team member would have to write down 50 countries. Whichever team completed this first won. Considering that Jake knew all 198 countries and could list them off in alphabetical order with ease, I'd say we had a pretty good chance of winning.

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